Sunday, October 8, 2017

Small Goals: October 2017

» Small Goals for September

o1. Stay caught up on homework.
Homework as a whole is not something small in graduate school but I'm thinking of it as each assignment rather than each weekly module. I will say that it reduces my stress level.

o2. Eat a low carb diet.
I started the year off strong by already being on a low carb diet, but after I lost over 30 lbs. I stopped so I'm getting back on this.

o3. Catch up with my work.
After speaking with my boss, I now have a plan on how to attack this. Again with thinking of things in smaller pieces, this is going to take a lot of upfront legwork. I need to combine all our projects into a timeline so we can group that timeline into smaller tasks so it seems like it's part of the daily whirlwind rather than a giant project.

Three small goals are enough. I always want to rush things so I can get results, but I end up overwhelmed and unproductive, rather not prioritizing efficiently. I'm feeling good about this; I predict productivity!

Have a happy October!

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